普普通通,搞不懂豆瓣为什么评分那么高。那几天我恰好在两个地方看到别人 po 这本书,而我在微信读书搜另一本带有“格外”两字的书这本跳了出来,并且它还免费,就飞速翻完了。豆瓣短评说“全是技巧,没得感情”,要我说,技巧也就还行,并不惊艳。而且作为“书”,没有统一的、连续的主题表达,更像是个人日常练习收录,翻到最后发现确实就是作者参加 Inktober 活动的画稿。她更适合去给商业杂志画插画,作为艺术家的“自我”有些少了。
Set in Brooklyn, this gripping mystery begins when attractive, level-headed Sylvia Gellburg suddenly loses her ability to walk. The only clue to her mysterious ailment lies in her obsession with news accounts from Germany.
其实是想在 audible 听 Arthur Miller 的 The Crucible 或者 Death of a Salesman 的戏剧版本,但它们都得用 credit 买,只有这部是免费的就点开听了,嗯,果然不要钱是理由的。
是 Arthur Miller 的风格不错,借家庭生活讲社会和政治,虽然能感觉得到有试图探讨纳粹、德国人、犹太人问题,但还是太肤浅了。还有这个突然的婚外情段落,谁能懂走在路上结果因为耳边响起调情、接吻以及呻吟声一下子表情僵住的我,寒毛都竖起来了!后面两个男主讨论性生活的部分我也是觉得荒谬又可笑,Philips 那个行为根本是强奸啊!
A young barnacle named Abraham is on a search. Where should he stick to? Where shall he spend the rest of his life? Every adolescent barnacle is a free floating organism living underwater until it secretes a natural glue allowing it to stick to something for the rest of its life. From oyster colonies to the depths of the ocean, he encounters many barnacles, tempting him to stick with them. Abraham grapples with his journey and his mother's advice to, "Find a place that will make you happy."
Fabulous facts about nature's most devoted dad, in an utterly charming picture book.
Can you imagine spending the winter outdoors in Antarctica without anything to eat? That’s just what the male Emperor penguin does. While his mate is off swimming and catching loads of fish, he stands around in the freezing cold with an egg on his feet for two whole months, keeping it warm and waiting for it to hatch. Welcome to the story of the world’s most devoted dad!
在 Libby 找一本讲极地的书,底下关联推荐有这本,帝企鹅的故事,Libby 上的是 Read Along 版本,居然还配了非常多音效,小帝企鹅破壳的声音、雏鸟和亲鸟的鸣叫声、海浪声、巨大的风声,画面也超级美丽,层次丰富的冰和雪,细致的帝企鹅身体细节——羽毛、爪子,还有海面下深深浅浅的蓝,太漂亮了。
The Atlantic Puffin is a familiar symbol of the Atlantic region, and its Latin name means "Little Brother of the North." Accompanied with beautiful illustrations, Atlantic Puffin details habitat, breeding cycles, eating and nesting habits, and more about the life of this fascinating animal. Artistically rendered and carefully researched, this latest installment from the popular writing and illustrating team of Kristin and Jeff Domm will delight any child or adult who seeks to learn more about the treasured Atlantic Puffin. Kristin Bieber Domm is an ESL teacher n Halifax, Nova Scotia. Jeffrey C. Domm illustrated Tangled in the Bay and is director of the Nova Scotia Wildlife Society.
《长恨歌》是唐代诗人白居易的一首长篇叙事诗,此故事长卷《长恨歌图》为日本江户时期狩野山雪绘。原画册为卷轴装,共分上下两卷,描绘了唐明皇与杨贵妃凄美的爱情故事。上卷(31.5 mm x 1048.4厘米)从“汉皇重色思倾国”始,到杨贵妃被赐死于马嵬坡止;下卷(31.5 mm x 1070厘米)从“君王掩面救不得”始,到最后的“天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期”。该画册是国内首次出版,它将《长恨歌》全诗的内容以绘画的方式体现出来,构图精巧、笔法灵动,有较强的艺术震撼力。