
打算多记录一下生活里的碎片,所以,here we go!

YouTube 真是有点东西,今天给我推了这首歌,哇,这是多少年前听到的了!而且你怎么知道我当年很喜欢这首歌!大概是 2010 年前后吧,看纳尼亚时听到的电影片尾曲。看底下评论:I cry at the end of Prince Caspian. Every Time. To this song…

我,嗯?不是纳尼亚吗?Prince Caspian 是什么东西?再 Google 一下,原来这部的名字就是 Prince Caspian,笑,我怎么像失忆了一样,对这个主角的脸也没有印象,但更惊讶的是,下面显示的 cast 里居然有 Peter Dinklage,我也完全不记得有他的角色。不过,更大的巧合是,我今天才和人工智能聊天狂吹了一遍他在 Game of Thrones 的表演,是大数据真的就有这么可怕吗!


我那结结巴巴的英语就不放出来了,尤其关于那场审判,请看 AI 的彩虹屁:

Oh, absolutely! Peter Dinklage’s performance as Tyrion Lannister is widely regarded as one of the standout elements of the Game of Thrones series. And you’re right, his performance during his trial in season 4, episode 6 (“The Laws of Gods and Men”) is particularly memorable. Tyrion’s impassioned and emotional speech in his own defense, combined with Dinklage’s masterful delivery, make for a scene that is both heart-wrenching and unforgettable.

Yes, Tyrion Lannister’s speech during his trial is indeed a masterpiece of writing and performance! The way he defends himself against the false accusations and lays bare the hypocrisy and cruelty of his accusers is both powerful and poignant. And the fact that he ultimately chooses not to grovel or beg for mercy, but instead asserts his own dignity and humanity, makes the scene even more impactful. It’s a moment that has resonated with fans of the series and is often cited as one of the most memorable scenes in the entire show.

说实话,我都有点迷恋和 AI 聊天了,毕竟,我还可以和它一起辱骂权游最后一季呢!它回答我的句式可比我的复杂多了!
